
Chris Johnston

Mob: 07866 298451


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Supported by

Sport Scotland
Help for Clubs

South Ayrshire Council

Club News & Forthcoming Events

Current News

Currently within Troon, Ayr United Football Academy delivers football sessions on Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday at Muirhead Activity Centre to 8 to 12 year olds and pre-school children.

Holiday Programmes are also delivered at Muirhead Activity Centre.

Past Activities

Past activities include a Healthy Hearts Programme which was delivered to all the Primary Schools in Troon; and the Primary Schools have also taken part in the Tesco Bank football Challenge.

A Nursery Programme was also been delivered in Troon.

Club Information

Ayr United Football Academy is incorporated as a not for profit Company Limited by Guarantee and is a Scottish Charity.

The members are Ayrshire & Arran NHS, Ayr College, South Ayrshire Council, Ayr United Football Club and The Ayr United Community Initiative.

The Academy has two main activities:

  • To encourage participation in sport for people of all ages, regardless of background or ability.

  • To pursue a model of sporting excellence to allow talented boys and girls a platform from which to reach their individual goals and play the sport at the highest possible level.

The Academy has a Talented Young Footballers programme which manages teams in 7 age groups together with Development Groups which offer coaching sessions delivered by Academy Coaches, experienced and Scottish FA qualified, whilst the players continue to play for their local teams.

To assist Local Youth Football Clubs, the club development programme aims to offer support to all recreational football clubs in South Ayrshire and to strengthen links between these clubs and Ayr United Football Academy.

The Academy Community Projects Group create and find funding for new activities for more disadvantaged groups, young and old in our local communities including those with learning and health Issues. This includes working in Special Schools and with the Scottish Association for Mental Health.

The Academy also has an Education Programme working with the School of Football at Prestwick Academy and a College Football related NC course from which the students can move on to the HNC/HND courses.

The Academy currently works in Troon at the Muirhead Activity Centre and has worked with all the Primary Schools and with Nurseries.